Prices complexity
Any modern CMS with a large enough community and a long development history provides sufficient capabilities to create a beautiful, complex, and reliable website.
So, in general, in the points noted above, only these two requirements are important.
Beyond that, you need skills: yours or the webmaster's you hired.
And there are some nuances here.
Let's compare WordPress and Drupal, which, along with Joomla, for a long time were perhaps the only CMSs for serious projects.
WordPress allows you to build a simple and quite beautiful website with a low level of skills, while Drupal provides only a skeleton constructor for the webmaster (in any case, over time this is slowly changing, and now you can easily build a fairly beautiful and simple website with Drupal).
But if you want something more advanced, the complexity of development is multiplied many times over for both CMSs and requires a deep knowledge of both what that CMS has under the hood and knowledge of PHP and the frameworks that are used to create them.
Accordingly, the prices for webmaster services depend on this.
For simple unskilled jobs, a contractor costs much less for WordPress than for Drupal, but a good professional will cost about the same for both systems.